Constitution of the
Black Faculty and Staff Association (BFSA)

The former African-American Faculty and Staff Association of the North Orange County Community College District

Promote the development of a network that addresses the issues of blacks in higher education and the community at large.

To be a resource for students, faculty, administration, staff, the community
and district regarding issues related
to the Black Experience.

The name of the organization shall be the "Black Faculty and Staff Association" (BFSA) of the North Orange County Community College District (NOCCCD).

Article I -Purpose

The purpose of the organization, hereafter referred to as the BFSA, shall be to bring together its members to:

1.1.1 promote and advocate the principles of diversity in education as they pertain to the BFSA and Black students of the NOCCCD;
1.1.2 promote activities and programs designed to assist Black and other diverse students in matriculating through various career technical education and transfer systems;
1.1.3 promote consistent and informative communication between Black students, faculty, staff, the Presidents, Board of Trustees, and other personnel of the NOCCCD;
1.2.1 promote interaction and interfacing between BFSA members and local, state, and national organizations;
1.2.2 promote advocacy between BFSA members and legislative branches of the government;
1.2.3 promote employment and mentoring activities for BFSA members and Black faculty, staff and students;
1.2.4 provide a forum to address issues and intervene in allegations of unequal treatment; and
1.2.5 promote the hiring and maintaining of role models/mentors for students in NOCCCD.

Article II – Membership and Dues

2.1 Membership shall be open to any and all NOCCCD students, faculty, administration and staff who have an appreciation for the Black Diaspora.
2.2 Each BFSA member shall share in the participation, privileges, interests and voting rights of the organization.
2.3 Each member shall pay annual dues of one hundred dollars ($100.00). Dues are payable to the BFSA on an annual basis. Dues may be paid in installments throughout the year and must be paid in full prior to the upcoming year. Dues are to be submitted to the Treasurer at the first fall meeting.
2.4 Dues shall be prorated for the current year for new members based upon the month that the member joins.
2.5 Non-payment of annual dues or receipt of written notification by the Executive Board will terminate membership in the BFSA.

Article III - Meetings

3.1 General membership meetings shall be scheduled and held at least once a month at a designated, centralized place with a chosen date and time;
3.2 The President of the BFSA will call-emergency meetings as deemed necessary.

Article IV- Officers

4.1 The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer, administering and conducting the activities of the BFSA which may include, but are not limited to: chairing BFSA meeting, serving as a liaison between the organization, the NOCCCD and campus presidents, and appointing chairs to all BFSA committees.
4.2 The First Vice President shall serve as the chairperson of all official meetings in the absence of the President and/or by the President's request, serve as chair of subcommittees as requested by the President and collaborate with the President on resolving issues related to the BFSA;
4.3 The Second Vice President shall serve as Chairperson of all official meetings of the BFSA in the absence of the President and/or by the President’s request, chair sub committees as requested by the President and collaborate with the President on resolving issues related to the BFSA;
4.4 The Treasurer shall serve as custodian of all financial records of BFSA, establish and maintain any checking and/or savings accounts, pay, upon authorization by the appropriate officers, any bill(s) incurred present banking statements at each scheduled meeting, maintain a master roster of all members, and provide the Second Vice President a master membership roster (note: the names of three elected officers shall be listed on the checking account with required signature from at least two of these officers for the purpose of check writing);
4.5 The Recording Secretary shall record and keep all business items current, send notices to the membership of future Association meetings, conduct and take care of any association correspondence and/or documents;
4.6 The Community Liaison Officer (CLO) shall provide information to the community regarding the activities of the Association, keep the BFSA member abreast of the needs and events of the Black Community and, upon request of the BFSA leadership, will work to sponsor joint activities/ventures with community-based groups;
4.7 The Student Representative (SR) shall provide information about BFSA activities to campus students, clubs and other association, kept the BFSA members abreast of the needs/concerns of the Black student body, and, upon request of the BFSA leadership, work to sponsor joint activities/ventures with campus Black Student Unions and other diverse groups.
4.8 The BFSA Historian shall catalogue major accomplishments and achievements of the organization.
4.9 The Webmaster shall implement and keep current a BFSA Website

Article V - Election and Terms of Office

5.1 The election of officers shall be held during the month of May.
5.2 A Nomination Committee shall be appointed at the April general membership meeting of the election year, and shall be responsible for conducting nominations and elections the following month. Nominees must be dues paying members only.
5.3 The election of officers shall be by secret ballot. Officers are elected by majority vote.
5.4 Officers shall hold office for two (2) year terms. Terms shall begin July 1 and end June 30. No member shall concurrently hold more than one office, and no member shall be eligible to serve more than one consecutive term.

Article VI - Vacant Association Offices

6.1 If a vacancy occurs for the position of the President, the Vice- President will assume the position for the unexpired term.
6.2 The general membership shall nominate and vote at the Association's scheduled meeting to fill vacancies of unexpired terms of the other elected officers of the Association.
6.3 Officers may be removed from their position by a majority vote. Officers will be given an opportunity to address allegations before the removal process is initiated.

Article VII - Committees

7.1 All committees shall be composed of at least two (2) or more members from the organization. The standing committees are: By-laws, Membership, Fundraising, and Scholarship. Ad hoc committees will be determined by the membership of BFSA as needed. Each standing and ad hoc committee shall have a chairperson appointed by the Association president. Each committee chair shall present periodic reports to the Executive Board.
7.2 By-laws Committee reviews and recommends revisions of the by-laws to the membership on a periodic basis.
7.3 Membership Committee maintains a roll of current membership and shall be responsible for all activities supporting recruiting of faculty and staff.
7.4 Fundraising Committee shall be responsible for all activities relating to fundraising in support of all BFSA program activities. The committee shall seek contributions from community patrons and plan activities that will generate funds for the organization. The committee will be responsible for planning at least one fundraising activity per year (i.e. Talent Night or Soul Food Luncheon, etc.).
7.5 Scholarship Committee shall be responsible for all activities relating to establishing scholarship procedures, applications, selection of recipients, and presenting BFSA scholarship awards. The committee shall locate resources and determine the guidelines for awarding scholarships.

Article VIII - Disbursal of Assets

8.1 Should the BFSA disband the Executive Board shall disburse the assets to (position name or scholarship of our choice).
8.2 Should no officers be available, an appropriate district official shall be authorized to make the disbursal.